Getting Stepped on for a Living, Side Hustles
During the weekdays, Georgio T. works as a massage therapist in Fairfield, CT. He owns a home, has friends, and enjoys a fairly simple life. But on Friday and Saturday nights, Georgio drives into NYC where he wraps himself in a carpet and allows people to step on him at various paid gigs and kink parties. What started as a kink (he realized he liked the feeling of weight on top of him as a child when his cats would walk on top of him), has turned into a fullblown, secondary source of income. Now, hes committed to providing an unmatched, optimal experience for participants to ensure that he gets rehired for more gigs. NYC gigs range from birthday parties, S M parties, costume parties, Burning Man parties, etc. Georgio has even thrown his own and plans on organizing a series of events at the Rockaways + Fort Tilden this summer (donations encouraged but not mandatory). Click here to subscribe to VICE: About VICE: The Definitive Guide To Enl