International Master Bibik Yuri
Международный мастер Бибик Юрий BIBIK YURI INTERNATIONAL MASTER Bibik Yuri Vladimirovich International Master, higher education, NSU named after Lesgafta, the highest category, has been working in the school since 2012. Yuri Vladimirovich brought up a large number of children who play chess at a high level of understanding and have achieved brilliant results. Contact information where you can send your application for training at the Yuri Bibik School: Project websites: English version Russian version Trailer: Youtube Channel: Сайт проекта: ВК: Подключайтесь к нашему проекту здесь и сейчас. Учебные ролики на нашем канале: , BibikYuri, ,БибикЮрий