Monster Hunter The Movie, Re Animated
Monster Hunterthe movie, Reanimated and reworked. if you didn t like the actual movie, maybe, hopefully, this version works out for Chapter select: 0:00 introduction 0:05 The Sandship ride 1:18 Just your usual millitary training 2:31 Arrival on MH world 3:27 Road trip across the desert 4:51 Spider attack 5:47 Cocoon in Rottenvale 6:43 Encountering the hunter 8:09 The plan and montage training 9:34 Quest1: Slay a Black Diablos 11:19 No zenny, no cart 12:19 Arrival at the Oasis 13:26 Back with the Admiral Crew 14:48 Discovering Rathalos 15:25 Handler is Gone 16:22 Back to Earth 16:53 The army vs Rathalos 18:00 Quest2: Slay a Rathalos 18:39 The Admiral arrives 19:10 Cut Thats a Wrap 19:53 End and funny credit stuff Directed by NCH Screenplay, script and additional humor by Nyangtofu Animated by NCH and Nyangtofu. Voiced by kingtacoyaki Check out my Patreon, Facebook or twitter for updates and progress of this animation.