Pen And Inklings Bobby Bumps And The Ostrich Egg (1920)
A Bray Studios Production. Animation featuring Bobby Bumps. Ostrich sits on the ground inside a fenced enclosure. Stands up to reveal a large egg. Speech bubble says Honk. Ostrich walks off. Bobby and his dog come along and look through the fence at the egg. Bobby suggests to his pet that they get it and hatch He climbs to the top of the fence and holds out something to the Ostrich who takes it and eats it. We see the round object moving down the Ostrich s neck as it swallows. When the Ostrich takes the second morsel it is offered, Bobby grabs hold of its head and hangs on to it the round thing bobs up and down the Ostrich s throat as it struggles to get free. The dog lifts up the fence and kicks the egg under it. Ostrich breaks free and spots the dog. Its eyes follow the dog as it runs around. As the Ostrich moves its body around with its eyes, its legs get in a tangle. The dog laughs, turns its back on the Ostrich and starts digging a hole, throwing earth into the Ostrich s fa