Small Arms of WWI Primer 098: Russian Nagant 1895
Chilean Mauser book SMG Book Ian s Project Othais and Mae delve into the story of this WWI classic. Complete with history, function, and live fire demonstration. C Rsenal presents its WWI Primer series; covering the firearms of this historic conflict one at a time in honor of the centennial anniversary. Join us every other Tuesday Additional reading: The Belgian Army in the Great War : Portable Service Weapons Pierre Lierneux Les Revolvers et Les Fusils Nagant Claude Feys and Rene Smeets Оружие 92002. Все о нагане Монетчиков С. Оружие Великой войны. Ручное автоматическое оружие Российской армии Владимир Глазков Отечественные револьверы и пистол