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Introduction to Floor Loom Weaving online course In this video I m weaving on my Louet David Loom Enjoy my content Leave me a tip here Join my mailing list Find my website here My Online Weaving School Join the Facebook group here Music by Epidemic Sound Looking for a course hosting platform Check out Teachable Affiliate links My looms David by Louet US Aus Ashford 24 rigid heddle loom US Aus Loom stands US Aus Ashford 8 shaft table loom (mine is a 16 ) US Aus Ashford Sampleit US Aus Ashford Inkle Loom Us Aus Mirrix Big Sister Tapestry Loom US Aus My camera My audio Shop My Amazon Sign up for Canva Blog hosting Need to start a mailing list I use Convertkit Please note, some of my links are affiliate links. This means if you click and purchase, I receive a small commission at no extra cost to you. Thank you for supporting my channel