Heres Why Teleportation Will Be the Worst Torture You Can Ever Experience
Imagine getting one of the coolest superpowers ever an ability to teleport I have no doubts youll immediately want to travel from your dull office to a warm sunny resort. But dont rush. Mind that after the very first leap, you can find yourself not on the Mexican seashore but in the cold vacuum of space. That is, if you aren t blown to atoms. And the trip can seem to last an eternity. In the real world, even having access to super technologies and superpowers doesnt guarantee that you can instantly move from one place to another like scifi movie characters. But well try to make the whole thing work In this video, youll find out: how can teleportation kill you Why are rocket engines indispensable even for a superhero jumper And can we make teleportation work in the real world , eldddir , eldddirspace, eldddirearth, eldddirhomo, eldddiranimals, eldddirdisaster, eldddirocean, eldddirbombs, eldddirfuture, eldddirtech, eldddirjupiter, eldddirmars, eldddirspacex, elddd