How To Paint: Dwarf Mountain Holds Warrior Champion, Intermediate, Warhammer: The Old World
Dwarf Warriors are the mainstay of any mighty Mountain hold army. In this video, Emma will show you how to paint the Dwarf Warrior Champion in the hold colours of KarazaKarak to Battle Ready, and then some extra steps to make our model stand out even more. You can even use this guide for your whole army. Here is a list of the paints well be using for our guide: Base: Corvus Black Kantor Blue Leadbelcher Retributor Armour Zandri Dust Layer: Cadian Fleshtone Doombull Brown Kislev Flesh Skrag Brown Stormhost Silver Shade: Agrax Earthshade Nuln Oil Reikland Fleshshade If you re new to painting, our Citadel Colour Painting Essentials playlist hosts an array of beginnerfriendly videos to help you get started. Follow for more Warhammer, more often: Twitter: Facebook: Instagram: Warhammer Community: