Gary Sigler Books Here On Amazon THE MYSTERY OF GOD Just like John the Baptist we are another voice crying in the wilderness. And there is such a change coming in these days that is just as drastic as it was in Johns day, because we have say to people, I know who you are looking for. You are looking for the man of Galilee to come back again to destroy all of your enemies, and usher you into the kingdom where you will live happily ever after. That is not going to happen The doctrine of the second coming is absolutely an erroneous doctrine the way it is taught today. I will tell you of the second coming. Jesus said, I wont leave you orphans. I wont leave you alienated and separated. I realize the value you have placed on me as a human being. So when I do go away, I wont leave you orphans. I will come to you. And I will no longer just be among you, but I will be in you in spirit. So when He went away, He only went away for about 40 days, and