I Came Back (1940 1949)
Notes: No documentation or existing record I CAME BACK. Title I CAME BACK by a prisoner of war. Music: Roll out the Barrel. LS soldiers watching the arrival of a huge ship. MS People and nurses on the quayside waving. CU a group of soldiers smiling and giving the thumbs up to camera. Crowds waving. Band playing on the dockside. Many scenes of jubilation on the dockside as the soldiers return home. MS The Red Cross sign (seen in black white) on the side of the ship. Cockney voiceover begins Yes, I came back. It was good to hear a British band playing, to see so many smiling Waving, smiling soldiers along with wounded victims being carried off the ship on stretchers. CU Life ring with the word Atlantis. Red cross ambulance leaves the docks. LS the hospital gardens with wounded soldiers. LS a hospital outing: Men climbing aboard a bus. Several shots: soldier on crutches at Ascot. The voiceover talks in praise of the support he had from all the British people. C