K POP IN PUBLIC ONE TAKE TXT (투모로우바이투게더), Anitta Back For More dance cover by DESTINIES
Hi We are destinies Ever since the release of this dance, we really wanted to stage it With this dance we went to the BalckFest festival and took 2nd place in the Boys Group category It was an incredible experience and we are incredibly happy and proud of this victory We hope you enjoy this cover Thanks for watching Members: Taehyun Diana, t. me, tttalgiuyu Huening Kai Sonya, Yeonjun Sonya, t. me, +u2xeVpinsRphZmI6 Beomgyu Angelina, t. me, hhhcomfortplace Anitta Angelina, t. me, pabmogosso Our social media: INST: TikTok: Telegram: t. me, destiniescdt Videographer , TXT, BACKFORMORE, KPOPCOVERDANCE, KPOPINPUBLIC, kpop, dance, destinies, dejavu