Unknown Antique Rusted Stove Restoration whit Mirror Polish, Workshop DC
, Stove, Restoration, WorkshopDC Hi guys, how are you doing In this video i show you how to restore a Unknown Antique rusted Stove. Unfortunately i didn t find any information about this stove but i think this machine is home made. To start the restoration i disassemble all parts, they are pretty rusted and covered with oil. After disassembled i washed all parts with degreaser to be more easier for the next process to remove the rust. I also leave some parts in the degreaser to make a better clean. As you can see after washed all parts are very rusted, so i decided to make a bath with hot water and hydrochloric acid to remove the rust. After one day i removed all iron parts from the bath and washed with water and backing soda off the camera to stop the acid process. With the parts rust free i paited them with a high temperature White, two coats. And then i put the stove to bake at 200C for 30 minutes to make the paint resist the fire. Now i started to sand all the