Opening Up Space Passing Exercise Warm Up
Opening Up Space Passing Exercise 1. Player dribbles from the first marker to the second marker, passes to the outside of the diamond and follows the pass. The next pass is to the top of the diamond, and at this time the player on the opposite red mannequin is opening up space to receive the ball on the outside of the diamond. When that player receives the ball, they control it forward and pass back to the beginning. Repeat the pattern in the opposite direction. 2. For the second pattern, the player who is going to receive the final pass begins the sequence with a 12 with the first player, then the pattern works the same as the first one, ending in a pass out wide with welltimed movement. Repeat the pattern in the opposite direction. 3. The final pattern in the progression ends with the player finishing the pattern with a 12 with a coach, and a pass into a minigoal. Repeat pattern in both directions.