2020 was a lousy year. Our foundations as human beings were put to the test. So was our freedom. Including the freedom to perform and, or watch the music we love to play and, or see. We hope 2021 will bring us together again. We surely hope so. We miss our fans. Here s a professional mixed and edited version of one of our total 4 shows in Portugal this year. It was played live to an audience of 300 souls and seen LIVE by more than 3000 wolves and witches. Now it s yours to watch whenever you want, how many times you want, so you don t forget about us and the experience of watching Moonspell LIVE, the whole under the spell team. Please take a moment to watch the final credits. Be safe, be sane, be smart Listen to music and protect yourself, your family, your community, your world. Happy holidays season and a 2021 that will allow us to forget this absolutely waste of time that was 2020. Blessed be. Hermitage is coming out February the 26th, new video and music will be released January the 21st. Stay tuned.