3 Bushman Prank gone WRONG Police chief was NOT happy
Please help us save veterans First Responders Hello Bushman peeps This videos is special to me. Starting out with getting to work with JaxBushman and georgiapranksters I had a blast and can t wait to do it again On this Veterans Day I m so thankful for all the brave men and women that have given me the opportunity to do Bushman and live in a free country. The guy that told us to leave made us upset and messed up our day at first. We didn t want to get in more trouble if he came back. In the past moving to a different location has always worked the best for me. That s what we did. I could have made a video throwing that guy under the bus. I wanted to use my platform to do better for our community. I did some research and found more about this guy other than just the interaction I had. I m so glad I did He has fought with some personal issues in his life and needed help. He found SaveAWarrior that helpe