Synopsis: Told with animation and liveaction, Drained tells the story of how a man s addictions can destroy the woman he loves. DRAINED Directed by Nick Peterson Produced by Nick Peterson Jon Heder Adam Boalt, Leslie Rose Director of Photography Chris Saul Music by Chris Bacon Fun Facts The funding was raised through a crowdsource funding website. To give this film a unique look, the entire film was shot with still photographs at a speed of 8 frames per second. All 254, 000+ still frames were shot with a single Canon DSLR 7D camera. In order to compensate for the slow frame rate of 8 seconds, the actors had to move 3 times slower than normal while covered in makeup, wearing masks, and with blinding strobe lights flashing in sync with the camera at 8 flashes per second. While shooting the Director and DP were unable to look through the eyepiece of the camera and had to kind of guess where the actors were in the shot during e