Finger drawing on your phone Draw a flower Step by Step tutorial
The Paintology app has a powerful trace feature that allows you to trace over any images. It allows you to pick colors from the underlying image to your drawing canvas. This method can be used to make any drawings that take your fancy whilst improving your drawing skills tremendously Create this easy to do flower drawing with your finger, right on your phone. You can find out more tutorials from the Paintology website: The drawing was done on a Samsung Note 10 phone with the Paintology drawing app from Google could use your any Android phone or tablet. Watch the video from start to finish to see the process and then you give it a try You can do other flowers of your choice, just open your own image in Trace mode and do your drawing, that s it There are numerous methods of drawing and painting with the Paintology app. These have all been designed from the ground up to increase your skills i