UCLA ANES Dr. Chris Rake a C VID 19 va c ne mandate opponent escorted out of the UCLA medical plaza
UCLA anesthesiologist Dr. Chris Rake, a CVID19 vaceen mandate opponent, was escorted out of the UCLA medical plaza yesterday and placed on unpaid administrative leave for refusing to get vaccinated or request an exemption. Im willing to go lose everythingeven my life. Take Notice: Of how I hashtag my local TV stations and do the same in your local area. , KY3, KOLR10News, ozarksfoxam, KOLR10, KOLR, ozarks, ozarkmo, springfieldmo, BransonMO, finishstrong417, ksprnews, kspr33, kspr, ky3news, ozarksfox, ozarknewsletter, ksprtv, ky3tv, finleyfarms, bassproshops, basspro, ozarkmill, thegarrison, FinleyFarm, johnnymorris, ChateauPensmore, Pensmore, PensmoreMansion, SteveHuff