Speak English like a North American: 4 Pronunciation Rules for the Letter T
Everyone has an accent. If you want to sound more like a native English speaker, you need to work on your pronunciation. I am from Canada, and I have a particular accent, too. Today, I will teach you four rules to help you pronounce words that have the letter T in them. This is the way Canadians and many Americans pronounce this letter. There are hard T sounds and soft T sounds. There are Ts that sound like Ds, and there are Ts that sound like a stopped sound. So many Ts Dont worry, though, because after watching this lesson, you will be an expert. Take the quiz at . TRANSCRIPT Hi. My name s Ronnie, and I have a bottle of water. What So, sometimes when I go to a restaurant and I order water, people don t understand me. I m in Canada, I m speaking English, and I said: Water, and they look at me strange. And I go: Oh, you know Water Oh, water. Yes, No, no. It s It s a t, right Water. This, in Canada, we call a bottle of w