Vicky Krieps and Marie Kreutzer on the Making of Corsage
Q A following a sneak preview screening of Corsage with director Marie Kreutzer and lead Vicky Krieps. Corsage is now playing in our theaters: In a perceptive, nuanced performance, Vicky Krieps (Phantom Thread) quietly dominates the screen as Empress Elizabeth of Austria, who begins to see her life of royal privilege as a prison as she reaches her fortieth birthday. Marie Kreutzer boldly imagines Elizabeths cloistered, late19thcentury world within the AustroHungarian Empire with both austere realism and fanciful anachronism, while staying true and intensely close to the womans private melancholy and political struggle amidst a crumbling, combative marriage and escalating scrutiny. Star and director have together created a remarkable vision of a strongwilled political figure whose emergence from a veiled, corseted existence stands for a Europe on the cusp of major, irrevocable transformation. More info: Subscribe: www