How to Draw FLOWERS using Basic SHAPES ( Pt 2) + LANDSCAPES
The first 1, 000 people to use the link or my code rapidfireart will get a 1 month free trial of Skillshare: This is a followup to part 1 In this video, we re going to draw more complex flowers and plants using the same basic shapes. Have you ever spent hours drawing a flower only to realize after you re done that it s crooked and not even close to where you want it on the page This drawing approach can help you easily plan out your entire drawing in just a few short minutes, so you know everything s in the right place, is the right size and if something s off, you can easily fix it before you commit hours to drawing all the intricate details. Open your sketchbook and get ready to draw some simple shapes like circles, triangles, and ovals, but don t be afraid to morph them to your advantage as well If you have any additional ideas or insights to share with the community, please leave them in the comment section. We d love to hear it :) Thank