Motor Sister Coming for You ( OFFICIAL VIDEO)
ORDER HERE: Directed by: Travis Shinn Produced By: Travis Shinn Camera Pperators: Bobby Hewitt Jeremy Danger Edited by: Bobby Hewitt Get Off spearheads a whole new, exciting and long awaited chapter in the story of Motor Sister. Comprised of vocalist, guitarist Jim Wilson (Mother Superior), guitarist Scott Ian (Anthrax), bassist Joey Vera (Armored Saint), drummer John Tempesta (White Zombie, The Cult) and vocalist Pearl Aday (Pearl), Motor Sister was originally formed as a Mother Superior covers band made up of diehard fans and aided by sharing the same frontman playing the songs for the love of doing so, making their debut at Ian s private 50th birthday party. Catching the attention of Metal Blade, the label offered to put out a record and the result was Ride (2015), a collection of liveinthestudio takes cherrypicked from Mother Superior s back catalogue. Now, they step beyond those parameters, returning with t