Plutonic Lifestyles of Filthy Mycologists A Baja California Geology Fungal Primer
A brutallylong 53 minute video on mycorrhizal relationships of the Southern Part of the California Floristic Province, not for the Tiktok generation. What is a pluton and why are oak groves good places to look for mushroom diversity In this episode of Crime Pays we head to the Sky Islands of Baja California, Mexico to check out what plants and fungi are growing on the intrusive igneous substrate in the San Pedro Martir foothills and forests. 3 or 4 different species of Cortinarius, 3 different species of Lactarius, Hygrophorus associating with Ponderosa Pine, Ornithostaphylos oppositifolia (Ericaceae) Garrya grisea (Garryaceae) Arctostaphylos glandulosa (Ericaceae) Arctostaphylos peninsularis Quercus agrifolia Lupinus hirsutissimus Your contributions support this content. It sounds clichéd, but it s true. Whether it s travel expenses, vehicle repair, or medical costs for urushiol poisoning (or rockfalls, beestings, hand slices, toxic sap, etc), yo