WT auf Pz. IV: Ghost and punisher World of Tanks
WT auf Pz. IV: Ghost and punisher World of Tanks WoT replays best World of Tanks games The WT auf Pz. IV is a German tier 9 tank destroyer. The WT auf Pz. IV is part of the German tank destroyer line. ,WorldofTanks, bestworldoftanksreplays, WOT Tank destroyer developed in February 1944 on the basis of the PzIV tank. Development was discontinued in favor of a similar vehicle on the basis of the Krupp Waffentrager 12. 8 cm PaK 44 of Czech origin. Existed only in blueprints. Battle Stats: Tauriell VIRUS Waffenträger auf Pz. IV Map Mines Damage: 10694 Frags: 2 Blocked damage: Assist damage: 157 Medals: 5 Master, Bruiser, Fire for Effect, Confederate, High Caliber, Mods used for the replay recordings: aslains modpack from wgmods(dot)net World of Tanks If You want to send me your replay please use this email (hlpwotreplaysatgmailcom) I consider only replays with secret (exclusive) link. Thank you