Karaoke Opera: Che Gelida Manina La Boheme ( Puccini) Orchestra only with score
Full Orchestra. We have 100s of arias and ensembles, full details at a glance at A vocal version of this that corresponds exactly can be found here for reference: The delicate and beautiful Mimi knocks on the door of the garret in which Rodolfo lives. Her candle has gone out; could she have a light She drops her key in the dark room, Rodolfo joins her in her search, groping for it on the dusty floor, their hands Czech Symphony Orchestra Julian Bigg A Musical Concepts production CHE GELIDA MANINA Che gelida manina Your little hand is frozen se la lasci riscaldar let me warm it up Cercar che giova Our search is useless Al buio non si trova We won t find it in the dark Ma per fortunaè una notte di luna But luckily this is a night of