Announcement BEstival, 2 Teaser by Vico
Second edition of the BEstival Teaser, announcement by Vico : Once again organize the second edition of the BEstival mixmaking contest. Last year the first edition has been a great great sucess with 30 mixes presented on 3 days (one week end). One new mix each hour during this week end. The mix of the winner was broadcast on Canal+ one of the biggest european TV channel in an NBA show. The Last winner was Damnshow. Because of this success Basketevolution did it again with the second edition. It s for the weekend of 1011 march 2k12, the mix must be finish for the 4 march. If you want participate please go on on the forum at this thread : I was participated last year and finish a the second place with Lebron James : I am from Akron, and I participate this year again. ;)