Miners Strike 1972, Movietone Moment, 25 February 2022
On this day in 1972, miners accepted a pay settlement after a sevenweek strike. Here is a British Movietone report covering the miners strike. And so the miner s strike goes on pickets posted at all supply sources, miners and coal officials soon to meet. MS chimneys and rooftops. MS chimneys. MS pan excavator moving coal on the tip. CU coal. MS sign West Drayton Coal Depot pan down to pickets talking to the lorry driver. MS pickets, policemen in b, g. MS coal lorry arrives at picket line and pickets talk to the driver. MS 2 policemen watching. CU sign Dirty Dangerous Job, Take Home Money 15 A Week. MS another lorry arrives and pickets talk to the driver. 5 MSs pan up from wheel to lorry going into the yard, pan full sacks of coal stacked in yard, the man bringing out full sacks and stacking them, pan lorry leaves with a full load of coal. MS picket pouring himself a cup of tea. CU fire in an old oil drum. Disclaimer: British Movietone is an historical collection. Any views and expressions within e