HALL OF FAME 2024 Aftermovie 4 K
This event is growing from year to year and it is quite incredible. We had a great weekend with all the friends, and made great encounters Thanks to the whole Risenation team for fighting hard to offer us events like this in Europe. Thanks to my two friends Alexis Perret and Thibault Duquellenec, the best team 00:00 RWB Rokweiler 1:55 Jordan s Huracan (slammeduk) 3:53 Event FOLOW, CONTACT Facebook instagram : TRACKS Go follow them on their pages, these musics are just incredible Rivoices closer Keyaura transcend w me Nerium tako tomago Bones LetAnOldDogWorkHisMagic Mvejimy fatigue TAGS , HALLOFFAME, RISENATION, STANCE