Sascha Braemer Satie: Sonneries de la Rose+ Croix: I. Air de l Ordre 5pm Remix
Listen or preorder your copy of Fragments here: Find out more about FRAGMENTS here: , , How do you remix one of Saties most mysterious pieces That was the question Sascha Braemer had to answer when he chose one of the Sonneries de la Rose+Croix for his Fragment. The German DJ, who began his career in the 1990s Berlin rave scene, is no stranger to the art of the remix. Yet even so, Air de lOrdre, written for an esoteric religious sect in 1891, was quite difficult to pack into a modern guise, he says. But then Braemer, who released his solo debut album in 2015, likes a challenge. He came up with an idea. How about, instead of just one remix, creating two A time travel with a change of harmonies, he explains. That is, after all, very much in the spirit of Air de lOrdre, a solo piano piece evoking hymns, plainchant and a longlost medieval world of monastic devotion. Yet Braemer rem