55, We left our BOAT for 5 MONTHS in Trinidad This is what we came back to, Linnea Sailing
Hauling out in a tropical climate Don t fancy putting in an expensive dehumidifier and having unknown people coming onboard to check up on it Well, we decided to skip all that and were a bit nervous to see how it all had worked out. Safe to say it s a lot different from our normal Swedish haul outs that normally takes place in the What meets us when we open the hatch, is bit of a chock. Not least because we apparently forgot to lock the boat when we Happy watching ,, Emmy Marcus We are Emmy and Marcus, a Swedish couple who has decided to leave our home and set sail. For now the goal is Caribbean, but who really knows how far your dreams might take you Welcome aboard our sailboat Linnea Do you want more LinneaSailing Follow us on: Instagram: Facebook: Website: Want to