Recap of the Bal Sham
This is a recap of a class given by Andreas Olsson the 30th of August 2020. The Shim Sham is a line dance created in the late 1920s by Leonard Reed and Willie Bryant. Today, there are many versions of the routine. I decided to create a Balsham, which is a shim sham inspired by Frankie Mannings version of the routine, but done with shuffles, slides, swivels and other footwork that are common in Balboa. A great opportunity to practice your solo dancing in a fun way This my way of honoring that also Balboa, as a swing dance, has African American roots The class is donation based, and all of the donations will go to the Black lives matter movement through The Equal Justice Initiative and the European Network Against Racism A copy of the zoom class will be available after the session ends. I will share the link on this event page after the class. Pricing: Donate what you can Suggested donation: 12 or 10 Euros PayPal: a