Kraftwerk Radioactivity ( French Tv 1978)
Kraftwerk Radioactivity : Radioactivity Is in the air for you and me Radioactivity Discovered by Madame Curie Radioactivity Tune in to the melody Radioactivity Is in the air for you and me Morse: Radioactivity is in the air for you and me Radioactivity discovered by madame curie Radioactivity tune in to the. .. Kraftwerk Radio Aktivitaet Fuer dich und mich in All entsteht (For you and me in Space comes into being) Radio Aktivitaet Strahlt Wellen zum Empfangsgeraet (Sends waves to the receiver) Radio Aktivitaet Wenn s um unsere Zukunft geht (When its about our future) Morse: Radioactivity is in the air for you and me Radioactivity discovered by madame curie Radioactivity tune in to the. .. Kraftwerk Radioactivity Is in the air for you and me Radioactivity Discovered by Madame Curie Radioactivity Tune in to the melody Radioactivity Is in the air for you and me