Counter Strike Source IMMENSE 2
Counter Strike Global Offensive 2012 CounterStrike:Source Movie (released on 12, 13, 2008) by Skrill Straying away from the usual rock dominant soundtrack it is clear Immense 2 was built around the soundtrack. The fast paced break style intro was something new from Skrill, and was tastefully done adding a clean colorful intro. The name tags (player tags) are also a pretty neat addition, I am surprised I haven t seen this before. Being a community movie the content ranges quite a bit, however is made of a heavy majority of match, mix footage between teams. Overall the editing was very good, at times the glow, coloring was a bit too bright making it hard to see the players name, but otherwise the film was very colorful and a pleasure to watch. Final render and overall soundtrack were also good, with a track based off of instrumental tracks including jazz, reggae sound and feel Jinxed ReviewScores: Creativity 9 Content 9 Editing 9 Music 9 br, br,