The Untold Story of J. P. Morgan: Americas Mastermind
Can you change the channel name to Apex Chronicles: Wealth, power, and influence J. P. Morgan had it all. He owned the first billiondollar company and dominated the countrys most profitable industries. The economy of The United States quite literally depended on his actions. With a simple word or the stroke of a pen, he could save a company from collapse or doom it to bankruptcy. JP Morgan s influence led to the creation of the federal reserve to prevent one ultra wealthy individual from controlling a country s finances. This Apex Chronicles documentary is the story of JP Morgan the banker who owned America. Well explore how he pioneered Morganization to consolidate companies, made deals with the government to stabilize the economy, and delved into the troubled personal life of this influential figure. Despite his wealth, he faced tragedy. Even after his death, his legacy lives on through JPMorgan Chase. Enjoy the history of industrialist and magnate, John Pierpont Morgan. , Wealthy, corpo