Fiji Troops For Malaya (1952)
Suva, Fiji. GV. Town of Suva (for super title. ) LV. Towards Fijian troops marching through Suva. CU. Fijian woman waving pan to more women following troops. LV. Deputy, Gov, taking salute SV. Towards Troops marching through Suva CU. Fijian Boy. GV. Fijian village. LV. Group of Fijians kicking ball. SV. Interior Villagers seated receiving bowl of drink at Good Bye Ceremony. CU. Soldier drinking from bowl. SV. Soldiers kissing Chief s wife and saying Goodbye to chief. CU. Chief s wife saying goodbye to Soldier. SV. Troops boarding troopship. SV. Group of women with children waving. SCU. Woman in crowd shaking hands with passing soldiers. CU. Weeping woman. SV. Soldiers boarding trooper. CU. Crying woman kissing soldier. SV. Soldiers being checked aboard. CU. Crying woman reaching through barb wire fence to embrace soldiers. Soldier leaves woman reached through fence. SV. Soldier waves as he boards ship. SV. Soldiers waving from troopship. STV. Crowd waving from quayside. CU. Old man with young boy lookin