Mirror Poses Like a Boss BLENDER 2. 8 for ANIMATORS
In this new video of the BLENDER for MAYA ANIMATORS series, I ll show you some tools that in Maya you d likely use from animbot, atools, or some other custom solution designed for that rig. Luckily in blender we ve had most of these tools in blender for a long time so you can flip a selection, a pose or use live mirroring to do adjustments on your poses, in a very easy way. If you re a MAYA ANIMATOR and aren t using ANIMBOT, what are you waiting for DISCLAIMER: I m in no way affiliated to animbot, I ve just been a user of it since the beginning and couldn t live without it. Subscribe for more FREE ANIMATION resources, courses, news, reviews and funny moments: Timestamps: 00:00 Intro 00:25 Chapter I: Live Mirror. 01:27 Chapter II: Copy, Paste Paste Inverted Pose. 05:24 Chapter III: Flip Flip Extend Selection. 08:28 Epilogue Music: Original tunes by Beorn Leonard Elevator Music by Corporate Music