Garden decorations: Flower beds, Stones and succulents, Log compositions, Cactus gardens
Garden decorations: Flower beds, Stones and succulents, Log compositions, Cactus gardens A winwin approach to beautifying the front garden near your home involves incorporating flowering plants. Skillfully combining these plants can achieve outstanding results. Let s explore some eyecatching solutions: Flower beds. If mature trees are part of the front yard design, you can take advantage of this. Create beautiful flower beds around the tree trunks. When planting, opt for shadetolerant species. Stones and succulents. A variety of succulents, artfully arranged on stones, make a perfect addition to any private home or cottage. Pair bright shrubs with compact conifers for an attractive combination. The contrasting colors create a visually striking effect. Log or stump compositions. Wooden decks, driftwood, and tree stumps can serve as unique design elements for your entrance area. Fill containers within the logs with soil, plant flowers, and enjoy the remarkable beauty. Hanging pla