SAFE Smart Watch Phone for Kids, MOM reviews COSMO, Parent GPS Tracking Contact Approval
Check out COSMO Watches: Use code EBETH for 20 off Thanks Cosmo for sending us your Jr. Track 2 water to test out. My girls are super young, but they can still navigate the watches effortlessly. They love being able to call their grandparents and text mom and dad pictures, and fun emoji s throughout the day. These are an excellent option for parents who are looking for their kids to have a phone without the negative apps and dangers that a phone can bring. These watches have GPS tracking, approved only contacts, NO INTERNET access and no games. I think this is a phenomenal first phone option. Use my code to download Ibotta and you will get an extra 5 with your first deal CODE: ajyeyqj Shop my Amazon: Instagram: , tech, review, mom