Netflix s Cleopatra is so Much Worse Than You Think
Queen Cleopatra is by far the worst documentary I have ever seen; an all out assault on Egyptian, Roman and Greek history. Cleopatra was black is just one of the hundreds of lies and historical distortions this show asserts as truth. Afro Kween is vile: 00:00 Cleopatra was black : 05:25 Blood libel against Egypt: 08:34 Hackademics and skintellectuals: 11:11 Basic historical illiteracy: 13:28 Girl boss Cleopatra: 15:30 Antimale agenda: 17:20 We wuz the julian calendar: 25:31 More antiwhite male agenda: 26:44 The distortion of The War of Actium: 27:53 Character assassination of Octavian: 36:00 Evil white colonizers: 40:00 The Romans were istophobes: 42:10 Many lies: 43:08 Failure of Afro Kween: 46:10 Sources: 10 Major Accomplishments of Augustus Caesar, Learnodo Newtonic War of Actium Wikipedia Roman Empire under Augu