We Made Our Own Rope Spokes
Disclaimer: Making any bike part yourself can be dangerous, wheel components especially. DON T try this yourself Adam s one of the smartest people I know and there s been a ton of work put into testing and prototyping before we got to this point. Even though we show our process this isn t a tutorial, if you do want some rope style spokes for yourself I encourage you to buy some Berd spokes instead. I ve had a lot of requests to try Berd rope spokes since putting out my wheel build videos. I ve certainly been interested but been put of by the costs. It turns out I ve not been the only one Adam from Tartybikes took his interest a little further though and decided to tackle the incredibly complex task of making his own rope spokes It s hard to convey the work he s put into finding a strong, reliable and repeatable method of making these spokes It s been in the hundreds of hours but the work has paid off and he has managed to make a functioning pair of rope spoke wheels which are holding st