Dees Room EP 17: TAN, Denise Laurel
LETS BE ROOMIES Instagram: TikTok: Twitter: Facebook: SHOUTOUT TO TEAM JinHo Bae for helping me edit this episode My baby bro is the kindest Video by: Stephanie Cea Assisted by: Rory Buscano Garren Bustarde Carl Tejada Inah Solacito Mastah X Orveen Calderon Set by: Rocketsets Lights by: Nanlite Step in to Dees magical world as she wishes her way to finding the best roomiez Its all fun and games with sugar and spice plus everything nice Lets celebrate our Philippines best here at Dees room Our goal is to help you fall in love all over again with all your favorite artists Please leave your comments and suggestions as we grow with each episode , DeesRoom, DeniseLaurel, tan , kpop For suggestions: