French Vocabulary Tintin en Amérique, 4
, vocabulary, frenchcomic, frenchvocab Vocabulaire et expressions: traîner: to be too slow, to linger. assommer: To hit someone on the head and cause them to become dizzy. se faire prendre: to be caught. se débarrasser de: To get rid of something, to remove a person, to eliminate someone. ma parole : expresses astonishment. se rafraîchir: To quench, to drink, to drink. détacher: To undo, release, get rid of something or someone. empêcher: to hinder someone in his or her action. partie: game. s enfuir: To seek to escape from a place or situation; to flee. suivre la piste de quelqu un: To follow something or someone, following various signs or clues, in order to find its trail. retarder: To make late. paquebot (m): A large commercial ship dedicated to transporting passengers on the high seas or for long voyages. en partance: something that is about to leave, that is ready to leave. menace (f): A word or gesture indicating hostility. éveiller l attention de quelqu un: to make one v