How to paint a rainy scene A watercolour demonstration by Tim Wilmot, 26
Do you want to see some tips on getting that wet look in your watercolours So this is a watercolor demonstration of a rainy scene based on a photo sent to me by a subscriber to my channel (send me your photos ). More paintings at In this demo I will be 1) Choice of Subject. What makes a good watercolour subject. How to simplify the scene. 2) Materials I use such as the paper. I will also cover the paints I use and the palette, plus how I hold the different brushes for different techniques. 3) Doing the outline sketch as the first step. How to think of your painting in a number of stages. 4) Doing the sky and the first wash of the background and then the foreground. 5) Getting the wet look with soft edges and reflections. 6) Watch out for the sword brush and highlighting tips. More information on watercolour demos, lessons and recent paintings by Tim Wilmot can be found at www.