Israel, Travel and music, Part 1
Israel is diverse in nature, geography and history. In the new section Travel and Music, beautiful views of Israel are combined with the author s music of the West and East art group consisting of Pavel and Larisa Platonov. Pavel and Larisa have lived for over 20 years in Israel in the city of Jerusalem and are professional guides licensed by the Israeli Ministry of Tourism. In addition, they are musicians themselves, who create their own music and on their YouTube channel publish stories about Israel and the Holy Land, accompanied by their music. Enjoy your viewing of 1 part of the new section Content 0:00 Introduction, 0:51 Galilee. Banias waterfall. Banias Nature Reserve 4:59 Golan Heights. Gamla Nature Reserve 8:38 Gamla waterfall. Golan Heights 9:27 Galilee. Fortress Nimrod 12:39 Galilee. Saar stream after rain 14:10 Galilee. Hula Valley. Hula Lake Park 15:29 Galilee. Flock of cranes. Hula Lake Park 17:34 Galilee. Nutria and ducks. Hula Nature Reserve 18: