Scientists Trapped Electrons In a Quantum Fractal ( And Its Wild )
Fractals arent just crazy cool mathematically infinite shapes. They might just have the capacity to revolutionize modern electronics as we know it. Thumbnail image courtesy of Sander Kempkes. Theres a Subterranean Biosphere Hiding in the Earths Crust and Its MASSIVE Read More: Design and characterization of electrons in a fractal geometry Here, we show how arrays of artificial atoms can be defined by controlled positioning of CO molecules on a Cu (111) surface2, 3, 4, and how these sites couple to form electronic Sierpiński Electrons in 1. 58 dimensions What the frac These behaviours give rise to different possibilities for technological applications and electronic systems. But what happens if electrons live in 1. 58 dimensions and what does it actually mean to live in 1. 58 dim