Recycled Bedsheets Make The Best Waterproof Tarps
In this video I show an easy way to make your own silicone waterproofing and use it to make fabric tarps. Check out my sponsor, MEL Science, and use the code nighthawk for 60 off: I thought to try making my own waterproofing with naptha after watching this excellent video about making deep pour silicone mold material: In case there s any concern about the environmental effects of evaporated naptha, from the sources I could find it has a very short half life in the atmosphere and is not of significant concern: Big thanks to everyone that supports this channel on Patreon A special thanks to my top patrons: Teague Lasser, Carl Katzenburger, Dan L, Eugene Pakhomov, Jon Hartmann, and those who have chosen to remain anonymous. Thank you