Chilly Gonzales Cut Dick ( Official Video)
Chilly Gonzales Cut Dick (Official Video) Directed by Daniel Gebhart de Koekkoek doublekoek Talents: Ivan (Chef), Pan (Dog) panthevizslagirl Dop: Moritz Deuerlein moritzdeuerlein Ac: Kai ChaseMeares kaichasemeares MUA Styling: Francis Salvator francissalvator Edit: Yannic Nixdorf ynixi Production Manager: Deborah Roth francissalvator Location: Bar Normal, Berlin (c) 2023 Gentle Threat Ltd Cut Dick From Chilly Gonzales Album FRENCH KISS: Written by Quentin Dupieux (Mr. Oizo) Published by Because Editions (SACEM) Performed by Chilly Gonzales Saxophone: Laurent Bardainne Cello: Stella Le Page Join G Class A space for rare and exclusive videos, invitations to private concerts, goodies you wont find anywhere else and concert ticket PreSales: Follow Gonzo: