Grip Top Sock
This is a Mnemonic. I have used it for years to prepare for speaches and theatre performances. It stimulates the multiple muscles in your mouth to improve speech acuracy and diction. Not to mention it is just fun to say. I recomend youtubers use it before they go on your name is Micael. Give me the gift of a griptop sock, ,, A dip drape, shipshape, tiptop sock:, , Not your spivslick, slapstick, slipslop stock, But a plastic, elastic, griptop None of your fantastic slack swapslop From a slapdash flashcash haberdash shop, , Not a knickknack, knitlock knockkneed Knickerbocker sock With a mockshot blobmottled trick ticktocker Not a supersheer, seersucker pukka sacksmock sock:, , Not a spotspeckled, frogfreckled cheapshake s sock Off a hotchpotch, mossblotched botched scotch Nothing slipslop, dripdrop Flipflop or clipclop:, , Tip me to a tiptop Griptop sock.