4 Month Old Babies in Supine (lying on back face up) demonstrating Typical and Atypical Development
EDUCATIONAL VIDEO Each year, 1 in 40 children in the United States is born with an early motor delay, and an estimated 400, 000 children are born atrisk for a delay. When healthcare providers know what to look for, they are better equipped to recognize the subtle signs of a delay in infants as young as 2 months of age, giving them the opportunity to receive early intervention services and thereby reach their fullest potential. This footage shows a comparison of two children at 4 months of age demonstrating typical development and atypical development in the Supine (lying on back face up) position. The full video (12 minutes) goes through all 8 positions with the two children and has an accompanying handout, showing the children in each position side by side. View the full video: Download Accompanying Handout: All materials including videos are provided at no cost; no fees or charges may be associated with any of the mate