Tucuruí Dam Brazil
TheTucuruí Dam(Tucuruí means grasshopper s water, translated fromTupí language; Portuguese:Tucuruí) is aconcretegravitydamon theTocantins Riverlocated on the Tucuruí County in the State ofPará, Brazil. The main purpose of the dam ishydroelectricpower production andnavigation. It is the first largescale hydroelectric project in the BrazilianAmazon rainforest. The Tucuruí Dam brought power to 13 million people and 60 of the power is transferred to industries which create just under 2, 000 jobs. Between 25, 000 and 35, 000 people were removed from the future reservoir zone in the early 1980s. 14, 000 people were relocated by the government. 3, 750 of these people moved to new islands created by the reservoir which lack adequate infrastructure. Video shot by José Verley.